Periodic Maintenance on Screws and Barrels
In order to ensure the healthy operation of the barrel and screws and to continue the healthy operation, both periodic maintenance and instant maintenance should be applied. Although the periodic maintenance timing varies according to each process, the operations to be performed are similar.
For periodic maintenance of screws and barrels;
The screw and barrel should be visually inspected to ensure that there are no burrs, injuries, cracks, burnt material or rust on them.
The necessary document should be prepared to measure the deformations and wear on the screw and barrel, and the controls made with appropriate measuring instruments should be recorded.
If the cooling systems in the screw and barrel can be removed, they should be disassembled and cleaned. If it cannot be removed, it should be cleaned by using solutions that can remove sediment and lime deposits that may occur in cooling systems.
Any grazes or injuries to the screw shaft connection should be reported.
The straightness of the screw and the barrel should be checked.
It should be checked whether the gap between the sleeve and the screw exceeds the predetermined gap value according to the system being worked on.