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A first in the plastics processing machinery industry.

Şenmak Makine, the leader of Turkey and the producer of the five largest plasticizing equipment in Europe, broke new ground in the Turkish plastics processing machinery sector. “Şenmak R&D Center”, which has the appropriate qualifications and criteria in accordance with the relevant legislation, was established by the T.R. It was registered by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and became the first registered R&D Center in the plastics machinery industry.

Şenmak, Turkey's leading screw and barrel manufacturer, adds momentum to its growth by including the R&D Center in its production activities in Istanbul Hadımköy. T.R. Şenmak, who was entitled to receive the "R&D Center Certificate" as a result of the application made to the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, will continue its efforts to develop innovative products and know-how in plasticization equipment at the R&D Center and bring it together with the plastics industry.

R&D activities will add vision to the plastics industry.

Şenmak General Manager Hüseyin Semerci, who stated that research and development activities have been carried out according to needs for many years, said, “With the conditions brought by today's competitiveness, our company's growth strategy and the need for branding in global markets, we have seen the need for R&D to become a permanent company culture. In our R&D activities, our priority is to prevent imports, increase our exports and of course, produce products with higher added value. To develop products with high added value as an alternative to the traditional products league where intense competition is experienced. There are more than 20 projects in our project pool, of which four projects that we submitted to our Ministry as initial projects were approved. Thanks to the support given by our Ministry, we will bring together products with longer life, more capacity and high plasticization capability with the plastics industry, together with our new R&D Center.”

Saying that they are proud to be the supplier of important machinery manufacturers in Europe with our plasticizing equipment production, Semerci said, "We take care to develop solutions that reduce costs, increase efficiency and quality, not only in our own production, but also for our customers, to whom we are product suppliers."

Şenmak R&D Director Mehmet Satılmış, who stated that 4 R&D projects are currently being carried out, said, “With our projects such as TÜBİTAK, TEYDEB, KOBIGEL, we foresee an R&D expenditure of approximately 4 million TL in a two-year period. The KOBIGEL project has come to an end. Final reports are also being prepared for the TÜBİTAK project,” he said. Stating that they support the vocational training of R&D personnel in terms of job promotion, Satılmış said, “We support the relevant personnel to continue their postgraduate education if their last graduation is undergraduate, and doctorate education if they are graduates. On the other hand, as the R&D Center will act as an incubation center, it will be possible for the personnel trained in the R&D Center to be positioned in different units of the company.”

Operating in the production facilities in Istanbul Hadımköy, "Şenmak R&D Center" will carry out studies with its professional staff of 21 people.

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